If You want to buy $CCC with TRON tokens ($TRX,$USDT...) using TronLink/TrustWallet proceed to:
HOW TO BUY:Other options:
If You want to buy $CCC on central exchange USD/TRX/USDT/ETH etc. proceed to:
In progress -
Listing date: 11:00 UTC, Tue 19.03
If You want to buy $CCC on central exchange USD/TRX/USDT/ETH etc. proceed to:
If You want to buy $CCC directly with BTC, ETH, BNB, MATIC or any other major cryptocurrencyusing wallets like MetaMask proceed to:
If You want to buy $CCC directly with BTC, ETH, BNB, MATIC or any other major cryptocurrencyusing wallets like MetaMask proceed to:
If You want to buy $CCC on central exchangeUSD/TRX/USDT/ETH etc. proceed to: